the story began in the garden....my garden.
Great plans were in Jennifer's vivid imagination for pots and herbs, posies and ferns. Tools were assembled for the extended weekend and the skies were blue. The copper colored Daschund gazed from her table perch pushing the tender summer screen shaping her pointed nose to find freedom. Thomas, the puppy's furry feline toyed with her emotions and temper under a nearby shrub. Elderly, somewhat dazed Spice lay panting under the dining room table not sure where she should be or who she was.
It was to be a day of joy and energy. A day of progress and toil.
The gardener tilled and pulled and tugged and crawled, snipped and dug and planted. Pots were filled and blooms were lovingly placed. Somehow, through it all her husband slept peacfully,clueless to the excitement!
Manicures meant nothing! Full speed ahead, nature was at work.

Three kinds of hot peppers, cilantro, Thai basil, 2 kinds
of parsley, tomatoes of 4 varieties. Cell phone be damned!
Glass after glass of water was inhaled. Nature's milk.
Is this a little much? Too bad it's MY STORY.
Jennifer felt as if she were on the edge - it was all coming together - getting so much done. The roses were blooming, yuccas shooting up to the clouds, honeysuckle fragrant to the bees buzzing. Loving it all. Pee breaks for the doggies. Autumn barking at air.
John gathering piles and piles of weeds weary and asking what he was supposed to do with it all. Exhausted after 10 hours of sleep.
Alas, the day is done. The grill is lit and all is well. Time for laundry, dishes and an ice cold shower for the garden fairy.
Ahhhh, feet go up and a smoky hot dog is consumed by the maker of mayonasy (word?) potato salad. Jennifer finishes her book with great satisfaction but a touch of sadness because she loves Jodi Piccoult as an author.
Darkness comes. Sleep is pleasant. Morning arrives.
Time to harvest the chives for winter. They are snipped,
cleaned, chopped and frozen. Oregano and basil - the same! More weeds to pull. John is catching his 10 hour zzzzz's. It should be said by this author that he works a 70 hour 6 day week. Not a whimp by any means.
He smokes ribs, hot dogs and hamburgers are grilled.
Crispy corn is cooked. More weeds are pulled while the dogs gaze panting from their special grassy spots.
There was a brief period when Jennifer was taking her life for granted and sweating the small stuff. Not putting her faith in God and letting HIM handle her worries the way she usually would. Then a Hemmorrroid appeared - she saw the pain in it's pain and presence and had a conversation with God. It went like this "OK Lord, I get it - I see that things CAN be worse and I will come to YOU in prayer as I need to. " and she smiled. Things CAN be worse.

Somehow in the busy times of work, school, LIFE - it was fast approaching the 1 year mark of Jennifer's CT Scan for her Kidney Cancer recheck. A Ct Scan every 3 months - not fun. She forgot her conversation with GOD, momentarily. She worried on her own.
she was on the edge
This woman of faith had spent a great deal of her glorious weekend fretting about her upcoming CT Scan instead of truly enjoy 3 days of furries, hubby and God's gifts. KAPOW! Scratch, scratch, itch, itch, itch.
POISON IVY! Even on her, well, on her...well...um, ahhh...hoo hoo.
Jennifer looked in the mirror at her bubbling neck and her blooming arms and chest and just couldn't believe what was happening to her! She called her husband in to the bathroom and said "Is this what I THINK it is!!??!!". And he said "Poison Ivy?" as he stepped back in fear. This was new. This was different.
"Oh God, you do have the best sense of humor!" Jennifer said. She wasn't quite sure if others saw it that way. But HE knows her so well. I'm sure the radiologist will find it amusing to hear about the poison ivy story. Jennifer does not think the two huge bottles of white icky stuff she has to drink is very funny but then she talked God about it several times and they're at peace with it. No discussion of private parts or hoo hoos were brought up.
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa
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