Scattered Thoughts From A Maryland Cottage

Scattered Thoughts From A Maryland Cottage
The Yin and Yang of Thankfulness

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday Elegance and Fairyland

Elegance definition

el·egance (el′ə gəns)
the quality of being elegant; specif.,
dignified richness and grace, as of design
polished fastidiousness or refined grace, as in manners
clever aptness and simplicity
anything elegant
Etymology: Fr élégance < L elegantia
by Lucille van Onselen-Zunckel

A Double Acrostic Poem in reverse

Elegantly turned out, so much style
Ladylike to the core, classic
Eau-de-cologne daintily applied, like poetry in motion
Gem was definitely of another era
Ariel another one, now, all agog
Naiad, the Faerie Queene
Casting their magic spells, ever graceful
Emerald is her name, very fashionable

I'm scooting around with the fairies today...have to run!
In search of my own elegance! Jennifer

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