Scattered Thoughts From A Maryland Cottage

Scattered Thoughts From A Maryland Cottage
The Yin and Yang of Thankfulness

Friday, November 19, 2010

Cream Puff Friday and Whipped Cream Whites

i was thinking about white and cream today
so here it goes...
 Good white
White as the driven snow - pure, clean, innocent
White elephant - rare, valuable but perhaps unwanted
White knight - someone who comes to another person's rescue, someone perceived as being good, noble
White list - list of good or acceptable items
White sale - sale of sheets, towels, other linens
Pearly white - teeth, especially very white teeth

Bad white
Whitewash - cover up, conceal
Whiteout - zero visibility
White flag - surrender
White lightning - moonshine, illegal whiskey
White elephant - rare, valuable but perhaps unwanted
white knuckle - something that is fast, exciting, or frightening
Beige: bisque, taupe, sand, shell, sandstone, barley, oatmeal, putty, khaki, wheat, mushroom, chamois, grain, champagne, clay, pebble, fawn, almond, buff, flax, cafe au lait, Bare Beige, Cord Beige, Flax Beige, Canvas Beige,, Sandstone, Biscuit Tan, Oakleaf, Spanish Moss, Buff, Sand, Smoky Beige, French Beige, Nacre, Cream, String , Peach Beige, Sahara Sand, Praline Cream, Ancient Amber, Pearl Bisque, Buff
White Words: These words are synonymous with white or represent various shades of the color white.
Snow, pearl, antique white, ivory, chalk, milk white, lily, smoke, seashell, old lace, cream, linen, ghost white, beige, cornsilk, alabaster, paper, whitewash.

I hope you had fun with the info and photos, it's always fun to dream in cream, think of Snow White and there's a lovely blog to follow also called Dream In Cream .... go there right now and also check out Dreamy Whites. Blogspot is wonderful when it features White Wednesday too. Jennifer

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