Sisters - Friends
I had a wonderful summer. Bridal shower for my cousin, wedding this weekend in California, lots of beach time. I think I've mentioned that I see things in a different way since #1 my divorce in 1995, #2 kidney cancer last year, #3 having lost friends along the way to Cancer and other illnesses. So, I enjoy big and little things. I saw my first rainbow this summer. Yes! Believe it - my first! I also saw dolphins leaping in the ocean while I sat in my beach chair with my cousins. Cancer free - 1 year mark in June. I ate sushi more than once. Jersey pizza more than twice. No cake because I don't like cake (carrot cake is an exception - home-made only).

My friend Lisa had breast Cancer and a Mastectomy at 33 (2 little boys) and this year she wore a bikini proudly to the beach. She had fought through the surgery and the struggles of reconstructive surgery. She has Cancer again.
So we start fighting again and this woman is a fighter. I look back to the laughs on the beach, the sand castles, the shells we collected, the jars I have them in and will not get pissed. God holds us in HIS hands. Bra, no bra, bikini or pjs!
I redid my bulletin board by my desk at school before the last day. It is so full of color that it soothes and pops at the same time! Cut out photos of roses in every hue, children, dogs, chairs, post cards of places I've traveled to, Bruce Springsteen, my kids, birdhouses, limes, lemons, sayings, students that have graduated, students babies.
how can I not feel blessed?
I get mad, impatient, pissy but there are such cool things in this world!
It just happened one day! The zest for Life! The appreciation!
Now I'm back to school. I love my job in the Health Room.
Friends peek in. Students I know by name. My good friend Karen came in yesterday. She is having a Mastectomy in 2 weeks.
It's not about bra size, she's a fighter too, gifted, loving, great support. God will help us in her care. But I'm feeling a little beaten down, well, not me - but that Life is picking on my friends. I want them well. I don't want them to have Cancer. Rose colored glasses I know. But the upbeat me is in fighting mode.
please schedule your mammogram, remind a friend or a loved one
remember self-breast exams
that you are loved, to give love, look for rainbows, fight against breast cancer
'A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves—a special kind of double.'
Toni Morrison
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