so I'm sailing off towards the weekend with a lot on my mind...
thoughts of all the new people I've met this week while blogging
how thankfully I come home to new flowers blooming in my gardens every day
how exhausted I am working full time job (my co-worker is out on sick leave for the rest of the school year)
& a part-time job
and the usual home and hearth keeping
& a part-time job
and the usual home and hearth keeping
lucky to be employed I know!
that I wish Autumn would behave and not be ... well AUTUMN
I really really love her...honest!
I have 1 more MRI to clear to
mark 1 year
from my Kidney Cancer surgery 5/09
mark 1 year
from my Kidney Cancer surgery 5/09
My step-mom -"MOM' had heart surgery yesterday - is in Florida - I'm in Maryland and I hope you'll help me by keeping her in your prayers.
God's fingerprints on my life?
Why that's HE knows all about my worries
and joys and sees me through
and that I have friends like you to share it with!
Have a lovely weekend whatever you do and thank you.
1:10 your sweet comments helped me so - another busy day
- girl fight at 7:20 this am - lots of sports injuries - the Main Office Secretary Patti just brought me in a box of flowers - I never get flowers!!! From my student aide Nick - a "thank you" from his family - he's had very serious health problems his 4 years of high school and this is his BIG year. What's in the box... happy, cheery, sun flowers. enter my heart every day ....thank you for my friends.
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