mother's day
the best

I don't need jewels
or fruit basktes
breakfast in bed
now this is a funny story... momma is sleeping
soundly one Mother's Day morning when I hear
my two lovely boys yelling at one another...
"I told you it wouldn't work!!!!" "You jerk!" crying... yelling.."I didn't know!" I trudge down the
stairs to see my older son glaring at his brother
who is in tears, totally frustrated.
Todd yells "He's such a jerk!
I told him you couldn't make an omemlet
in the waffle iron!".
My sons give me gifts with their love all the time,
but GOD gave them as a gift to me.
Matt & Connie called from South Korea
We had Korean food and Sushi with Todd & Ravy
We celebrated Ravy's birthday
No dishes or cooking was done the entire weekend
Autumn didn't chew any electric cords
My friend Bobbie served me a delicious French Martini
I worked for my friend Colleen in her adorable shop
The Pink Poet Route 108 Laytonsville, MD
Happy Monday - Happy Week - Happy You - Happy Me!

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