Scattered Thoughts From A Maryland Cottage

Scattered Thoughts From A Maryland Cottage
The Yin and Yang of Thankfulness

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Please take a moment...

Today I've had so many examples of
people needing people, people needing
prayer, people needing God.

Two dear friends battling Cancer.
Rich in NJ and Michelle in MD - both
having a rough time right now (more than
usual and asking for others prayers).

A blogger ending a business and
beginning new adventures and travel!

Another blogger losing a beloved pet.

So in this time of rejoicing, love,

giving, family and God - I am pausing

to remember those in need, hurting,

surviving, venturing out, discovering new,

brave and strong. Asking GOD to hold

them in HIS hands with love and to help

remember that the little things

that bug me are just that little things!

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