Scattered Thoughts From A Maryland Cottage

Scattered Thoughts From A Maryland Cottage
The Yin and Yang of Thankfulness

Monday, October 12, 2009

Palmer - my heart is broken.....

Palmer - my heart is broken.

I went to visit my family this weekend.

It was supposed to be fun, always is, actually it was.
We laugh, we eat, we cry, we eat, we heal,
we reminisce. We discover things we never knew
and talk about things we've shared for
many, many moons. My cousin lives in a Mayberry
type of town where everyone knows everyone in
a good sort of way. Non-intrusive but always
there if you need a ride to the ER or to share
a cup of coffee. No cell phone reception.
So when we were leaving and I retrieved
my voice mail - I had 8 calls from my husband
(did I leave a home phone number nooooooo),
apparently very upset. I called him
and he was devastated.
We live on a long 1/2 gravel 1/2 paved country road.
A town named Woodbine, MD.
Horses, sheep, donkeys, pastures and homes.
Unfortunately, cars and trucks think they can fly.
Our 7 month old puppy Palmer was in our yard
when a an SUV swerved and came across
our driveway clipping Palmer and killing him.
Never stopped. My husband ran as fast as he could,
cradled him in his arms -
he was still breathing but his neck was broken
and he died a few moments later.
John buried him by our
Annie with the help of his Dad.
I drove the 6 hour ride home trying
with all my might to hold back the tears.
It wasn't possible. The loss - my heart the loss.
My husband feels so guilty.
I'm at work today - we're trying to heal -
sorry this is so sad, but I know some
of my friends will understand
I had to have a journal
to write about my hurting heart. Love, Jennifer

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